First Visit
Your initial appointment will consist of consultation and treatment if necessary. In this appointment we will diagnose your tooth and determine what needs to be addressed. We take a conservative treatment approach and sometimes our patients are surprised to find they do NOT require root canal treatment. If however, we determine root canal treatment is required to save your natural tooth, we will fully discuss your treatment options and go over all possible risks and benefits.
Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your consultation:
- Your referral slip and any X-rays if applicable
- A list of medications you are presently taking
- If you have dental insurance, please provide the necessary information to verify your eligibility and retrieve your benefits. This will save time and allow us to help you process any claims.
IMPORTANT: All patients under the age of 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at the consultation visit.
Please alert our office if you have a medical condition that may be of concern prior to your procedure (i.e. diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves and joints, rheumatic fever, etc.) or if you are on any medication (i.e. heart medications, aspirin, anticoagulant therapy, etc.)
Also please note: it is important to have regular meals before your treatment. It is not necessary to be NPO (nothing by mouth), or fasting prior to your appointment.
After checking in at the front desk, we will give you a tour of the office and bring you to your treatment room. One of our certified dental assistants will take an x-ray and complete the preliminary exam. After the results are shared with your doctor they will review the x-ray and perform any additional testing which may be necessary. Once a diagnosis is made, treatment options will be discussed and we will answer any questions you may have.